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April 24, 2005



Hi how do I list a classified


best of luck on your . keep fragmenting the market with others content. you are delusional if you think you are doing something productive or right.


the market is already fragmented. and by all indications it's getting more fragmented.

as someone who loves to use classifieds to buy & rent things, i found the experience to be increasingly frustrating. we built oodle for folks that feel the same way.


I have a washer and dryer for sale not that old, they work great,they are both kenmore 90 series, they are those nice ones where you can put a large load of towells or jeans in it. they are both white asking $400 e-mail me at [email protected]


Oodle name closely resembles Google, it's very debatable if you thought it up as ravioli, I know I didn't buy it and i'm sure most people won't either (no pun intended)

It could be seen as a very obvious attempt at trying to appear as Google

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